Completed Stoles

On September 4, 2007, in KAL, lace, MS3, stole, by Anna
Faux Russian Stole

Swan Lake Stole


End of Summer

On September 4, 2007, in KAL, lace, MS3, stole, by Anna

Well, the summer is officially over, and we’re back in the regular schedule. At least we will be, gradually, over the next few weeks. With the end of summer I bring you two completed projects.
The Faux Russian Stole and Swan Lake Stole (formerly known as MS3) are completed and are blocking. At the moment they are outside in the sun, so they can dry a little faster. They represent my first foray into lace knitting, and I’m pleased with the results. I’ve definitely gotten better at reading lace charts, and all those YOs and k2togs, etc.

The Faux Russian Stole was knit in Arizona Apple Laine yarn. The pattern comes from “A Gathering of Lace” by Meg Swanson.

Project started: June 29
Completed: Aug 28

The Swan Lake stole was knit using Alpaca Sock Yarn from Hidden Touch. It’s charcoal gray, and a little fuzzy. This stole will be nice and warm during the fall. The pattern comes from Melanie of Pink Lemon Twist and was published for the summer Mystery Stole knitalong.

Project started: June 29
Completed: September 3