I’ve been asked for a preview of the Mystic Meadows stole. Since it’s a Mystery project I can’t really show you a picture. So instead I chose the pictures above to represent what the Meadows are to me.

Mystic Meadows is knit with the usual stitches – knits, purls, yarn-overs, a few different types of decreases and double decreases, as well as a couple of special stitches which will of course be described in the pattern. I think it’s just over a dozen different types of stitches used in the pattern. The stole has some patterning on the wrong-side rows, although the bulk of the work is done on the right-side rows. The pattern is available in chart-form only, and all the pattern rows are charted.

The Mystic Meadows KAL is still open for signups. See below for details.

The Spiderman blanket is coming along. I’m working on the last red stripe, and then I have a black stripe left. I think this means I have 14 rows left to go (plus the sewing at the end). I know it doesn’t sound like a lot, but at this point each row is 552 stitches and it’s still growing, so I’m not sure how long it will take. I am also starting to get worried that I might run out of yarn. I have finished with the blue, and I had about 25 cm blue yarn to spare….. I don’t have a picture to share, as it is horribly scrunched up on my needles. I really need circulars with a longer cord, but I’m trying to make do with a set that I already have.

For upcoming projects, I must note that I have been seduced by the Kauni yarn. I have seen so many lovely Kauni projects recently that I had an irresistible urge to get my hands on some yarn and try it out. I ordered some from the Yarn and Fiber Company in New Hampshire. My order has shipped, so now I’m eagerly awaiting its arrival. I will be knitting Ruth Sorensen‘s Autumn Cardigan, as well as a shawl (or perhaps two….). I know it’s the wrong season for cardigans, but at least it will be fun, and should be ready to wear when it gets cooler again in the fall. And I’ll have to do steeks (cutting into your knitting with scissors), which should be an exciting adventure.