Lace Cardigan in the works

On April 6, 2010, in cardigan, Cayuga Cardigan, lace, by Anna

Since this past weekend was a long weekend here in Canada, I had a chance to get a lot of knitting done. As an added bonus, the weekend was unseasonably warm and sunny, so I could sit outside on the deck and enjoy the 25C+ temperatures while I was knitting.

The body of the cardigan is mostly completed. Since I don’t like to sew pieces together, I knit the lower part of the cardigan as one piece, and then split for the armholes. The back was completed, followed by the right front and now I’m working on the left side.
It’s a little hard to see in the picture, but there is a small lace edging that runs along the front opening, and it wraps around the back of the neck as well. This way the collar matches the front.
I’m still pondering the sleeves. The original plan was to make straight sleeves with a lace cuff, so as to have the cuffs be loose and the upper sleeve more fitted. This worked well for my daughter’s cardigan. But the proportions of an adult arm are not the same as the proportions of the arm of a 9-year-old, and I’m afraid that the cuffs would be much too loose if I knit straight sleeves for me. So I’ll have to include some shaping.