Seasons of Lace – Urðr

On July 9, 2010, in lace, Seasons of Lace, shawl, Urðr, by Anna

“I know an Ash standing
called Yggdrasill,
A high tree sprinkled
with snow-white clay;
Thence come the dews
in the dale that fall–
It stands ever green
above Urðr’s Well.”

from Gylfaginning

The third shawl is Urðr and will be published in August. Urðr is the Norn representing the past, and it is from her well that the Norns draw the water with which they water the great world tree Yggdrasil.

The shawl is a circular shawl representing Urðr’s well. I used 6 oz/1875 yds Ling from the Unique Sheep in one of their gradiance colourways.
The Unique Sheep has three different laceweight yarns that all knit up to the same gauge, and any of the three would be suitable for this shawl. Ling is 70% merino/30% silk, Eos is 50% merino/50% tussah silk, and Marici 100% silk. The shawl has been testknit in both Ling and Eos.
I used the Illulisat colourway (blues), and my test-knitter used Wild Parrot (blues and greens). As always the colour-choice is entirely up to you (since it is your shawl after all), but if you want to stay with the theme I would suggest colours that remind you of water. You can see all of the Gradiance colourways here.