Today I went to visit Janie of Janie H Knits just outside Perth.  I spent a delightful couple of hours at her store chatting about lace, design, knitting, TNNA, yarn….. and, well….. everything that’s fun.  :-)  My book will be available at Janie’s once it’s released, and I’ll be back for more knitting and chatting.  Janie has been to TNNA twice and was full of excitement and tips and suggestions of things to do and people to meet.  It’s coming up very soon (I leave next Thursday), and I’m really looking forward to it.  We also had a really nice chat about the industry as a whole, and how important it is for us smaller business owners to support one another and work together.  In addition to the nice chat, she also treated me to some pomegranate and vanilla tea and biscuits.  Honestly, I didn’t want to leave.  I’ll have to go back soon.

After visiting Janie, I went to Perth to have a late lunch.

I ate at Fiddleheads in the historic Code Mill in Perth – apparently one of the oldest heritage buildings in Perth.  My view of the Tay River was spectacular.

The Tay river also runs past Janie H Knits, but of course I was so excited to be there that I completely forgot to take pictures.  Next time.

Anyhow, after my lunch I went down to the river and sat there for a while and knit another tile for my Stained Glass Window afghan before I went home.  All in all, a wonderful day.