Repairing Mittens

On May 6, 2013, in Eragon, by Anna

When winter has finally lost its grip on our part of the world, it’s time to sort through the hats, mittens, scarves and what not and put them away until the fall.  When I do that, I always look through them and check their condition.  When checking the Eragon gloves, I found this:

Gasp!  Ok, ok, it’s a tiny hole, but all you knitters know how easily something like this can spread and turn into a giant hole.  So obviously it needs to be fixed.  These fingerless mittens also happen to be my daughter’s favourites, so fixing them is important.

There are a couple of different ways of doing it.  Since the hole happens to be on a finger, I decided that the most invisible way of doing it was this:

I inserted my very pointy, very sharp scissors into the hole and simply cut the finger off.  Now, I wouldn’t have done that if the hole had been on the hand or on the cuffs, since that would mean a lot of re-knitting.  But a finger on a fingerless mitten is quite small.

I then unravelled the loose ends to expose live stitches and put them on needles.

And then I knit the finger back on.  I still had the leftover yarn in my stash, so it was easy to get a perfect match.

Ta-da!  The mitten is all ready for the fall.  I, on the other hand, plan to enjoy the summer first.  Aaah!