Cayuga Cardigan

On August 6, 2013, in cardigan, Cayuga Cardigan, by Anna

The Cayuga Cardigan is a half-length lacy cardigan, featuring a cathedral lace edging along the bottom edge and on the sleeve cuffs.  I originally designed this cardigan back in 2010, when it was Sanguine Gryphon Skinny Bugga!

The cathedral lace motif is reminiscent of the clock tower at Cornell University, where I went to university. The Cornell campus, and the clock tower, lies on the top of a great hill overlooking Cayuga Lake.  The view is absolutely gorgeous, and is, believe it or not, one of the reasons I chose to go to Cornell.  Yup, the view.  And the beautiful campus.  Good thing it happens to be a good school.  😉

This re-knit version of the Cayuga Cardigan is knit in Verdant Gryphon Eidos in the colour Fenrir.  I love this colour, and it is quite appropriate, as its gray is reminiscent of the stone clock tower.

In honour of this reknit version, I’m having a 25% off sale for this pattern from now until Aug 13, 2013.  To get the coupon code, please visit the Knit & Knag facebook page.  There will be more special sales posted there in the future, so I’d encourage you to like the page too.